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A Music Magazine In the Digital Age?  Really?


Yes, really.  


We're a group of music lovers in the Dallas/Fort Worth area that recognize the incredible talent bursting from the seams of the Metroplex. Our team consists of musicians, photographers, designers, and writers who all met through our love for local music. Rather than simply allow for everything to be archived digitally, we wanted to develop a real, ink and paper magazine that people could have at home, to lovingly preserve all the amazing memories we're making. We are blessed to live in an area that has such amazingly talented people who truly believe in working as one to build the local scene and we choose to celebrate that talent.


If you're in DFW, you know what we're talking about. Everything here is a homegrown effort. We all pitch in to grow each others' ambitions and this magazine serves to highlight those who are involved in this incredible community. Not just the bands, but also the venues, the promoters, the graphic artists, the sound guys…everyone! We hope that this magazine not only serves as the go-to for new music & who to call for services, but to elevate bands that may not otherwise have the same exposure.


The ultimate goal is that the power players in the music industry pay attention to a scene so rich, diverse, and deeply talented that we had to bring print back from the dead to properly catalogue it! Big dream, sure, but definitely not out of reach!

So the word's the bird. Share the link, buy a physical copy; hell, buy a subscription or advertising space. We thank you, and local music thanks you.

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